South Africa!
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March 15th 05, 11:31 AM
Posts: n/a
But, we can't disturb this god of radio right now. He
is very busy manufacturing a mountain out of a molehill
right now.
Speaking of mountains out of molehills, your comments beg the
question as to why YOU have spent almost 10 of your remaining few years
antagonizing a USENET group for which you obviously have no practical
He wants to make an "example" of something
I wrote to the FCC over six years ago, possibly preparing
a writ for submission to the Supreme Court or something...
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety interesting!
Lennie fusses about getting smacked around for comments that he
made to the FCC commissioners 6 years ago, yet HIS favorite thing to do
is smack ME around for comments I made six years ago...
Seems it's NOT OK to chastise HIM for exercising the same rights
he demands for himself...
What a waste of time he be.
You said it brother...What a waste of time be you.
Putz and liar. Does the IEEE proud, no doubt.
Steve, K4YZ
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