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March 15th 05, 12:17 PM
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From: Brian Burke on Sun, Mar 13 2005 7:14 am
Might be the next hot thing at Dayton.
Len, come on out and see for youself. Petty good bunch of people
if many are overweight and in t-shirts 1 or 2 sizes too small. Some
the vendors have even figured out that sex appeal even works on
and have staffed their boothes with attractive women.
Tsk. Travel 2000 miles to a convention of fantasy
believers who imagine that ALL of radio follows
their ideas of "radio operating?" Don't think so.
"Fantasy believers"...?!?!
This isn't a "Star Trek" or "Stargate SG1" Convention, Lennie.
It's attended by real people with real licenses and real radio
The one "fantasizing" is the ex-radio technician who is waiting
for the FCC to beg him to take an exam-free Amateur Radio license for
all the projects he "had his hands in" ove the years.
If I want to see attractive women outside of my
house environs...(SNIP)...(There's one within...?!?!)
(UNSNIP)...Los Angeles with all its movie
studios has the number one position for collections
of attractive women!
And the number one position of wannabe actress suicides.
And the number one position of murders.
And the number one position of natural disasters in CONUS.
And the number one position of gang-related felonies.
And the number one position of drug related crimes.
And they do have a testing session. Bring an ID and $12. Oops,
forgot, Heil says no more licenses in that box. Wonder if the FCC
knows that?
Big badass dave IS the Lawgiver. Whatever he say,
all DO. Period. No questions allowed.
Lennie can save his $12. Spending it at Dayton would be on the
presumption that he could pass the test. Might as well save his money
since he can't do it. Requires a certain amount of requisite
knowledge, and Lennie's demonstrated a pretty weak comprehension of
Amateur Radio practice here. If he can't get it right in an "open
book" enviroment, he'll never get it right at the VE session.
Still liar and antagonist extreme. You do the IEEE proud.
Steve, K4YZ
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