March 15th 05, 03:04 PM
The Republican revolution
The Republican revolution
By Michael Barone
Major Garrett
Crown Forum, $25.95, 325 pages
When I heard that my former colleague at U.S. News & World Report,
Major Garrett, was writing a book about the Contract with America, I
feared that there would be little in it that I didn't already know.
After all, I had covered the contract and the first days of the first
Republican Congress. I was, so far as I know, the first in the national
press to write that the Republicans had a serious chance of winning a
majority in the House in 1994. I was right about the election but, boy,
was I wrong about the book. "The Enduring Revolution" told me all kinds of
things I did not know. And I don't know how long it's been since I've
encountered a book on politics and policy that was so much fun to read.
Mr. Garrett's first major point about the contract is this: It wasn't
just Newt. Lots of other people played major roles. Dick Armey, far from
being a Gingrich confidant, was a solo operator, and it was his staffer,
Kerry Knott who came up with the title Contract with America. Moderate
Republican members frustrated by their party's minority status -- Steve
Gunderson, Tom Tauke, Nancy Johnson, Jennifer Dunn, Deborah Pryce --
provided key support at critical times.
John Kasich's insistence on drawing up a Republican budget put the new
majority in a position to govern. Republican National Chairman Haley
Barbour and his top staffer, Don Fierce, provided leadership in 1993 and
1994 in nationalizing the issues quite independently of House Republicans,
even though they thought it unlikely that Republicans could win majorities
anytime soon.
All this came at a time when Bill Clinton and the Democrats had an
opportunity to forge an electoral majority for their party. Mr. Garrett
interviewed not only Republicans but Democrats -- Clinton staffers Bruce
Reed and Paul Begala, Speaker Tom Foley and Majority Leader Dick
Gephardt -- and shows how congressional leaders moved the young president
dangerously far to the left. Like Mr. Barbour and Mr. Fierce, they were
operating under the assumption that Democratic congressional majorities
were perpetual. Yet the joint effects of their decisions and actions ended
up proving that assumption wrong.
The conventional wisdom around Washington is that the Contract with
America was a bust. Gingrich and company, it is thought, failed to achieve
most of their objectives and were rebuked by the voters. Mr. Garrett shows
how wrong this conventional wisdom is.
The 1995-96 budget showdown with Mr. Clinton set Republicans back with
some voters. But by holding spending in place for a year it also set the
trajectory that led to a balanced budget. The Republican majority put into
place new policies like the child tax credit, college tuition tax credits
and tax-free savings accounts. It passed and maneuvered Mr. Clinton into
signing welfare reform. It increased the defense and intelligence budgets.
It effectively advanced ballistic missile defense.
It is a maxim in politics that he who frames the issues tends to
determine the outcome. The Contract with America and the Republican
victory in 1994 framed many issues in ways that are still decisive; Mr.
Garrett ingeniously notes that many of John Kerry's 2004 campaign stands
were Contract-inspired.
The ultimate reality in politics can be found in the election returns.
As Mr. Garrett points out, the Republicans' decision to nationalize the
1994 election produced a surge in turnout which permanently reshaped the
electorate. The number of votes cast for Republican candidates for the
House increased 32 percent from 1990 to 1994. The number of votes cast for
Democrats fell 3 percent.
Yes, the Republican percentage in the House vote declined in 1996. But
Republicans have now won the popular vote for the House in six straight
elections. The Republican surge in House votes has now been matched by a
surge in presidential vote in 2004, as George W. Bush's vote increased 23
percent while Mr. Kerry's vote increased 16 percent over Al Gore's.
What Republicans make of these majorities is still not clear, as Mr.
Garrett's riveting account of the passage of the Medicare
prescription-drug bill in 2003 shows. But what cannot be gainsaid is that
the Contract with America and the Republican victory that followed did
produce an enduring revolution, whose ramifications and reverberations are
still being played out. Major Garrett shows better than anyone else how we
got there.
Michael Barone is a senior writer for U.S. News & World Report and
co-author of "The Almanac of American Politics."
Know the difference between a leftist and a potato? The difference is
that a potato will sprout, seek the sunlight and grow while a leftist will
remain buried in the dirt blaming everybody and everything but himself for
his situation.
- Steven Canyon