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Old March 16th 05, 06:27 AM
Posts: n/a

My FM receivers seem to be OK although one of the stations has an image
due to the signal strength. Both the Palstar R30 and HF-150 that I had
in the past had the same FM pickup problem but it was no where near as
bad as the FRG-100 and it was only on a couple of frequencies if I
remember correctly. The interference could only be detected when the
antenna was disconnected and one manually scanned the bands. By using
the additional connector on the I put on the FRG's back panel along
with some toroidal filters on the 12V power cable I've reduced it to a
tolerable level that only seems to be present if the antenna is
disconnected. I also added a few additional toroids at equal places on
the power cable and that helped even more because they apparently broke
the cable into smaller effective electrical lengths instead of the full
physical length, which is, by the way a half-wavelength in the lower
part of the FM band.


Pete KE9OA wrote:
A McIntosh MR78 can handle that kind of environment. One of the tests

McIntosh used to do was to inject a 12V interfering signal at a 10MHz

to make sure that it didn't cause an increase in distortion at the

of the desired signal. It works very well in the Chicago area. A

T-110 was also good, as was a Nakamichi Model 430 tuner. There are

good FM tuners on the market, including the Onkyo units that do the

The early Magnum Dynalab FM tuners that had the discrete front ends

also pretty good, but some of the models are using one of the Philips

radio chipsets, including the RF/Mixer section.
Whereas the FRG100 had those images breaking through on some of the

frequencies in my area, the AOR7030 didn't exhibit that

characteristic. The
Lowe HF-150 doesn't have this problem either; nor does the Palstar

R30. The
latter three units do have a 45MHz 1st I.F.
Nice work, Frank.


"Stephan Grossklass" wrote in message

Believe me this problem drove me crazy for a while. My QTH is
essentially "bathed" in the FM rf from 3 100 kW FM towers that are
within a 6 mile radius and line of sight with the house. This

seems to only occur in receivers with a 45MHz 1st IF.

Which would make images from +90 MHz possible, putting you straight

FMBCB. Signals would only need to find a way around the 30 MHz

filtering, and there you have it. Your signal levels seem to

uncover the
limits of the PCB layout and grounding, pretty hardcore if you ask

It would be interesting to know how a '7030 behaves in that kind of
environment. BTW, what kind of FM tuner can handle that kind of

It would take at least something along the lines of an Onkyo

T-4700, I

PC#6: i440BX, 2xP3-500E, 704 MiB, 18+80 GB, R9k AGP 64 MiB, 110W