Steveo wrote in news:20050314091553.403
Vinnie S. wrote:
On 14 Mar 2005 01:55:31 GMT, Steveo wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Vinnie S. wrote:
Passed the Tech, code, and General today !!!!!!
I didn't even study for the General !! But a lot of the tech
schooling helped. Failed the extra, but who the hell cares. I got
the General !
Now all I need is equipment !
Vinnie S.
Rock on, Enzo. Good job man.
Hey, will you still go by Vinnie after you're listed on qrzed?
Why, should I change it?
Vinnie S.
Well, upstanding hams like wa3moj only post with their
real name, not a made up one.
wa3moj doesnt even post to this NG you dick sucking faggot.
You shouldn't use your dads call here then, wa3moj jr. Take
me up on my invitation and call me that to my face, geo.