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Old March 16th 05, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"Steveo" wrote in message
wa3moj doesnt even post to this NG you dick sucking faggot.

You shouldn't use your dads call here then, wa3moj jr. Take
me up on my invitation and call me that to my face, geo.


"Good Job Brenda Ann ... i have also been a ham since 1978 code
neverinterested me at all i passed every element of the theory more than
once inhopes that one day i would get my speed up to 12 wpm ... well i never
didstudy anymore code and now thanxs to the fcc i am a general. and the
sameas you i know more electronic theory and amatuer operating principles
etcthan many extra, advanced and general class hams who have been able to
passthe code portion, for what it's worth.From: "Hans Von Gruber"
Newsgroups: FA: Stalker Dual K-A
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PSTOrganization: Excite@Home - The Leader in Broadband LOL!!
He's admitted it a dozen time, now that everyone knows he'sWA3MOJ all he can
do is call people names. Landshark-- Real heroes are men who fall and
fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to
their ideals and beliefs and commitments.