Thanks for some very good info. I was hoping that was the case.
This opens up the possiblity of making a 12 volt mobile charger
and using the solar panel for free re-charges too.
I'll pass on the Yahoo groups. Newsgroups are wide open and
full of great folks like yourself with lots of good info.
"Ken Bessler" wrote in news:
Phil - I'm only about 98% sure but I think all the charging
circuits are in the radio and battery. I converted my VX-2R's
power cable by installing RCA connectors half way between
the wall wart and plug. I then bought a 4xAA dry cell case
and put an RCA connector on it. Now I can run 3w and
recharge the Li-Ion pack, all from a set of energizers.
BTW you might want to join our group - almost 1,200 users
all with VX-2's....