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Old March 18th 05, 03:01 PM
Doug Smith W9WI
Posts: n/a

G. Doughty wrote:
Ok, it is the center one. I guess i needed to think outside the box as the
schematic has it showing, from how I interpreted it, one of the ends.
Great! Thanks for the quick response. Now I can install and play. Maybe
you'll here me on 40.

Is what you're building the same thing as on ?

If so, it really doesn't matter! You use the center terminal (the
wiper) and one end, it doesn't matter which end. The consequences of
getting it "wrong" are that the control will work "backwards" - you'll
turn the pot counter-clockwise to speed up your Morse, instead of
clockwise. If that happens, you can fix it by using the other end
terminal. You won't damage anything by getting it wrong.

================================================== ====================

In general, for any other future construction projects you may get
involved in... it is VERY unusual for the wiper of a pot to be
connected to ground. It does happen - it would be acceptable to do so
in this Winkey circuit and I have seen others - but it is VERY rare. In
some circuits, grounding the wiper when you shouldn't could result in
damage to the pot (and possibly other parts). And almost always, the
circuit won't work, or at least won't work properly.

Getting the two ends mixed up is far less dangerous. The worst
consequence is the same as it is with the Winkey: the control will work
backwards and you can fix it by swapping the ends.
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66