South Africa!
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March 18th 05, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a
From: N2EY on Mar 17 2005 2:54
Hmmmmm.....can't seem to find that domain...
Lennie wouldn't be...LYING, would he...???
DROP this "age requirement case," Jimmie. I did. It won't
go away unless you or some other PCTA extras stop bringing
it up.
Kommander Klink has spoken! Do you think after starting off the
post in the manner he did that he'd engender any respect for his
Hey Lennie...Here's a clue, Scumbag...Until YOU go away or STOP
your deceitful, inappropriate misrepresentations of Amateur Radio in
general and many of us Amateurs in particular, we will spoon feed you
YOUR OWN WORDS on a daily basis.
You lie, you deceive, you misrepresent...Then you think YOU now
have some magical authority to make DEMANDS like this in the same
"unmoderated" newsgroup that YOU remind everyone that it IS
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Don't waste so much bandwidth in here with your mewling
about OTHERS "doing wrong" because they have OPINIONS
differing from yours. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
"Tsk tsk tsk" back at ya, Lennie!
"TSK" for having repeatedly "demanded" taht you be allowed to say
whatever you want in this forum due to it's moderation status, and then
DEMANDING tha others NOT post becasue it's contrary to YOUR opinion...!
! ! ! !
Quit acting like a cute six year old who just got her
ham license and picture on the ARRL website.
Back at ya again, Lennie...
Oh...wait...I forgot...You never HAVE taken an FCC Amateur Exam,
have you?
Well...I guess it's OK for the 6 year old to BE cute..She did
BTW, sorry you didn't get that "cool" womsn's tee on
Ebay. Better luck next time.
What's a "womsn's tee", Lennie...?!?!
You didn't make a TYPO, did you...?!?!
Are you...?!?!..Dare I say it...MAD...?!?!?
Yet another unravelling of Lennie The Putzster's character laid to
rest...All of it thanks to HIS input...
Thanks, Lennie.
Steve, K4YZ
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