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Old March 19th 05, 03:06 AM
Posts: n/a

In article .com,

A friend was contracted to do some wiring in a local hospital. They
were to order Belcon 1506A as part would run through an air vent
system. Some fool in purchasing decided to go with 1505A. Same cable
except it ain't plenium rated. The supplier wouldn't take it back,
and they had no storage space so he was given, as in legal transferr
with documentation. The fool in purchasing lost his job. Must be hard
to be on the street when you are 58.


Pretty harsh for the purchasing guy to get fired over something like

I'm surprised that something could not have been worked out with
the vendor or that the cable could not have been used on another job. If
one of my vendors treated me like that, that would be their last order
period and they would get that from me in very clear terms if you catch
my drift. With vendors like that who needs enemies on the job.

You can not create bad relationships on the job in electronics like that
vendor did because you will be burning your bridges. The world of the
electronics industry is actually a fairly small place.

Ventura, California