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Old September 27th 03, 03:07 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a

Chuck Harris wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

I do know that the entire e-mail system is a kludge of outdated bits
and pieces of very simple software that were thrown in place with the
belief that no one would ever abuse their crappy system. Guess what!
They were morons, and the system is a piece of crap.

Wow! For you to make a statement like that, you must have been quite
a programmer back in the 1970s. How much of DARPANET did you implement?

These guys invented an e-mail system where there was none before. The
sheer fact that the system is still in common use 30+ years later shows
me that these "morons" were pretty smart.

How much of what you did in the 1970s is still in common use today?

-Chuck, WA3UQV

Either you're thick headed, or you just like to argue.

The original software for E-mail, usenet and the backbone of the
internet never anticipated the size it is today. Insecure protocols,
limited addresses on networks that are running out, and not doing a damn
thing to fix the problems. The information super highway is quickly
turning into another two lane gravel road with big chuck holes that make
it harder and harder to keep patched.

I am sure none of the software I wrote years ago is in use anywhere. I
was more involved in hardware, and 95% of my software was to test
hardware that is obsolete. The rest was for personal use, and is long
gone, too.

Now, tell me, how do they access the internet on the ISS? Don't
bother, I built part of the equipment. It provides a data and video
system with a 20 MHz bandwidth on KU band.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida