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Old March 19th 05, 07:36 AM
Ad Hoc Guy
Posts: n/a

I'll tell you guys, that really tickles my funny bone. First off a
"contract" can be formed between two individuals without even signing a
written paper.The basic act of demand and offer constitutes a "contract".
Ebay, although an American based company, operates in Canada, thus being
under the common law ruling and consumer laws. If it can be reached from
Quebec , it also falls under the Civil Code which is very clear on the
matter of cancellation of contracts. What Ebay has basically done is breach
a legally formed contract between two individuals , regardless of the items
or nature of the contract, and has literaly stepped in acting as third party
and cancelled the contract without the consentment of the parties.
That is a NO NO in any court of law. I think it's about time that people
begin voicing out the abuse from this company who freely enfringe on foreign
laws, use and culture.
I am convinced that a simple complaint to your local Consumer advocate
requesting an investigation will force Ebay to justify their act. Since
1994, Cyberspace and cybermarketing and exchanges are now integral to all
Laws in Canada and Quebec. Ebay is no exception.
I'm not trying to show off here mind you, I studied law a few years ago.

" Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. "
"cl" wrote in message

"Ed" wrote in message
. 93.175...

I will re-post it
on eBay, but will follow eBay's rules and NOT post any FA on the
newsgroups, not even

I'd be interested in seeing that particular rule.... if you would please
provide a link. It doesn't seem logical to me that EBay would prohibit
advertising of their own auction on other sites, when such advertising
only further EBay's chance of increased profits through the EBay sale
as high as possible.


I've advertised FAs here just recently, my auctions weren't cancelled. I'm
wondering if somehow, "maybe" someone sent E-Bay - the non tech wizards
they are, a notice that perhaps your scanner was modified or whatever, to
make them think it was illegal????? Just a thought. I've seen other FAs in
here as well, none of them complained of having their auctions cut short.

The ONLY auction "I" had cut short, was a "linear" I was auctioning off -
listed as NOT working, the finals pulled, for parts. I listed it I believe
for 10 meters, yet they pulled it. No big deal... But they've never pulled
my auctions for posting FA.

IF you have suspects in mind, I suggest you take it up with them. Why turn
vigilante against the whole group?
