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Old September 27th 03, 11:06 AM
Ed Price
Posts: n/a

"Doug Shields" wrote in message
Hello all,
I just purchased a Heathkit high voltage regulated supply on Ebay.
The description stated "It has been tested to power up and nothing
more." When I received the supply I found that 3 of the 6 tubes (2 x
6L6GC and 1 6BH6) in the supply were missing. I thought that "powers
up" means that at least the filaments light up on any form of tube
equipment. Am I wrong? The seller plugged it in and apparently the
pilot light came on which to him means that it powers up. The seller
refuses to listen to anything and has told me "We consider this a
closed issue, no more correspondence." Is it me? Thanks. BTW, does
anyone have two good 6L6GC tubes at a reasonable price?

Doug W4DAS

I think that's bad faith on the seller's part, but.....

If somebody claims only that "it powers up", I get suspicious real fast.
Either the seller is being consciously deceptive, or he's stone stupid. If I
were selling an HV power supply, I would have taken the very small amount of
time and effort to check the output voltage and current. If I found zero
output, I sure wouldn't describe it as "powers up." I would have said
something like "turns on, hums, no meter movement, no output, don't know
what's wrong, a fixer." I also hope I would never be so lazy as to not look
inside to see if a tube was missing.

For your part, all that you should assume about that is that the power cord,
power switch and the pilot light works. Even a dumb seller should describe
external physical damage and the sound of loose internal parts, or goo
dripping out of the vent slots. OTOH, opening the case and looking for
glowing filaments or missing components is beyond the "powers up" report.

This is a lesson for you in not reading wishful thoughts into a vague
description. Next time, send the seller a question. If the answer is still
vague, then pass it by. No great deal is worth feeling screwed later on.
Consider this a learning experience; both in the transaction and the repair.
Don't buy from this guy again, and just move on. Still, sorry about this
