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Old March 19th 05, 08:38 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

"Walter Maxwell" wrote
Yes, Roy's article in the Compendium is excellent, as are all of Roy's
contributions to our art. In his article he referenced my work with
baluns, which appeared in QST for March 1983. This article is also
available on my web page at for those who don't have a
copy of that issue of QST.

Walt Maxwell, W2DU

Walt & Roy, thank you both very much for your lifetime of service to radio.
Have either of you analyzed any the numerous popular Radio Works "Current
Baluns"? I was advised many years ago that the current-type balun was more
effective for use with a dipole, and have used Radio Work's baluns on both
dipole and random wires with success. But my measure of success is not
analytical, as your studies have been. Operating a center-fed dipole at it's
resonant frequency, slightly below that, and significantly above it, are the
specific inquiries wrt current baluns - would a voltage balun be more
effective in any of those conditions? Radio Works current baluns the same
kind used in your studies?

Thanks for your comments, and the great participation of all in this group.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach, Virginia