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Old March 19th 05, 11:40 PM
Ad Hoc Guy
Posts: n/a

Dan here is what you do....
Grab some Ebay logo, and take a picture of it, Post it in the auction like
you would any item with photos not forgetting to put the Registered sign
next to the Ebay logo.
Just entitle it " EBAY ARE TYRANTS " and explain your case in the
description and put a 0.01 cent value on the ad.
I'll bet you it wont take a minute before they get back to you.
Furthermore, any emaikl you send to Ebay should be accompanied with a CC: to
your local consumer advocacy group, any Newsnet service you like and even
the newspapers if you have too.
It's by rattling the cage that you awake the animal.
Let us know how you make out.

" Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. "
"Dan Conti" wrote in message

Sorry for budding in Dan, But what you say is very true about Ebay. I
recently posted a switch key for sale and the bids were going great until
Ebay pulled the rug from under me removing the add saying that the key I
was selling received complaints from "certain " people and that it was
still in use today...blah blah blah. Who the hell does Ebay think they
are ? The authorities watch dog ?

Sorry to hear about it. Isn't it a sick, sinking feeling when an auction
you are running is suddenly yanked?

At least you were given a reason.

I have now sent in THREE inquiries asking why the listing was removed,
with NO response from eBay.

Apparently they are arrogant now that they remove your auction and don't
even tell you why.

Christ I pay at least 200$ a month in advertising not to mention the
substantial "cuts" Paypal takes off MY earnings.
Needless to say that I for one am very ****ed also and especially
sickened by the abusive Capitalistic Tyrant ways Ebay demonstrates. TOO
BAD we dont have other options as popular as FleaBay.

Someone else will invent a better mousetrap, make a billion bucks and get
as big and arrogant as ePAY. It's a vicious cycle.
