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Old March 20th 05, 07:46 PM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a

John Franklin wrote:

Hi Micheal, I guess after doing the real thing a .1 watt
transmitter doesn't do much for me. I will say however that QRP is fun for
me on HF thru 70CM. I remember once using a signal generator, modulating it
and feeding a longwire. I heard it for about a 5 block radius. I called it
KVOM (K voice of Milpitas) Calif. I picked a clear freq and went for it.
Hmmmmmmm talk about coverage............I live in Nashville and WSM covers
real well. That big Blaw-Knox tower dominates the area along I-65. I can
listen to WSM when in Birmingham AL during the day quite well on a car

I played around with part 15 AM transmitters when I while I was in
high school and helped start the school's ham radio club. The call was
WDSC, for my girlfriend's initials. I was always more interested in
receiver design and construction than getting on the air. I'm the kind
of guy who loses interest in a project after its working properly so i
was always looking for the next project. I started in broadcast while
in the US Army in the early '70s at Ft Greely AK. We had a Gates BC250
on 980 KHz at 250 Watts and a 500 Watt Ch 8 Gates TV transmitter.

Lucky you! WSM is my favorite station and I've always wanted to go to
the Opry but I'm disabled now and I don't know if I'll ever get the
chance. I saw the WLW tower and 500 KW transmitter in the late '60s,
along with the old VOA plant at Bethany (Mason) Ohio. I got to look
inside the beast and talk to an engineer who was a young man when they
were still using the transmitter.

I can pick up WSM her near Ocala, with a Sony walkman, (SRF-49) that
runs on a single AA cell. It doesn't have any speakers so I plugged in
a set of non amplified computer speakers and use it on my night stand to
listen to WSM while I'm laying in bed. I have broadband so I can listen
to their stream, when it works.

I have had several local hams try to get me to get my ticket to play
with ATV but I'm kind of burnt out on TV these days.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida