OK - Here's the reason's I've seen that might have
gotten your listing pulled.
1 - Posting on a not allowed newsgroup. AMOE is one.
Even though you didn't originally post there, it got
here and if someone busts you for it, eBay doesn't
do a ton of research. They just kill the listing.
Nothing AT ALL to do with the FA eBay posting was EVER made on this
newsgroup. It was only made on alt.radio.scanner, rec.radio.scanner,
and rec.radio.swap.
Thank a trouble maker from one of THOSE groups for cross posting here,
not me. Before this started, I didn't even know this eBay newsgroup
existed, but I'm glad I found it. Very informative.
So, that shoots down number 1.
2 - PayPal fee. Someone suggested that you were
charging an additional $10 fee for PayPal. I didn't
see that in you one listing I saw. I don't know if
you did do that or not.
There was NEVER a mention of the buyer paying the PAYPAL fee in the eBay
That shoots down number 2.
3 - Prohibited item. Both of those scanners are
questionable about their continuous coverage. You
know, I'm sure, the IF trick that allows
them to rcv the cellphone freqs. The literature here
and there on the net about those radios uses terms
like "Continuous Band Coverage". That might not mean
the same thing as "Continuous Coverage" but I'm betting
that Daisy and Justin and Sean in Bombay aren't xtra
class amateurs or 1st class commercials and understand
the difference. If it does NOT violate the CC rule,
state that in the listing - "This radio is NOT capable
of tuning cellphone frequencies" or something similar.
Even though, in real life, they are if you know the
IF trick.
The scanner I was selling DOES NOT allow for any of that, it is
IMPOSSIBLE on current scanners, and has been for quite some time. Never
mentioned anything about coninuous coverage in the auction, because, it
is impossible. There are MANY auctions going for the very same scanner
right now without a problem.
Number 3 goes down in flames.
4 - Competitor seller. VERO/NODI whatever. There's no
telling how that can influence a sale. And there's not
much any seller can do to innoculate themself against
Possibly, but I doubt it. I;ve sold many scanner and radios over the
years, and never had a problem from a "competitor".. I am NOT a radio
dealer, just an individual selling equipment. But, let's say number 4
is a longshot, maybe.
5 - Your general attitude. Dan, you are not coming
across like a level headed adult. You've posted several
dozen (hundred?), sometimes very childish rants and
threats about how you will "flood" the newsgroups with
the re-list/sale of this scanner. That's like someone
keying up the repeater just because they don't like
the person currently in the QSO. Behavior like that
makes it easier for people to say "well I would have
just let it go but this guy is ****ing me off. I'm
gonna complain to eBay" (or your ISP or whoever).
Yes, I probably let my temper get the best of me initially, but that was
AFTER the auction got dumped. Prior to that, I simply posted short,
congenial posts USING FA as many people like, SO THEY CAN FILTER THEM
OUT SUPPOSEDLY, and went about my busniess. Even when Never Anonymous
Bud jumped in stating the price was too high, and calling me names, I
stayed out of it and did not respond.
Number 5 goes down in flames.
AMOE is primarily eBay sellers. Some of the sellers
here base all or a large part of their livelyhood
on the eBay system. Many of us have had items pulled
for various reasons. Instead of foaming at the mouth
and promising to "flood the newsgroups" those successful
sellers simply evaluated what it was that probably
went wrong and corrected it. The foot stomping and
screaming does nobody any good and it only serves
to make you appear less desirable as another
eBay seller.
My complaints and ranting began AFTER I was wronged by someone in the
radio scanner newsgroups, not from anyone here.
I would hazard a guess that you got busted by
SEVERAL of the people on AMOE who are quite
good at knowing the rules and reporting the
offenses. I have no idea what the other
radio related groups demographics are like
but it's probably reasonable to assume that
they too have some netcops who busted
you as well. Right or wrong, fair or unfair.
Impossible. As I said above and will reiterate, I NEVER posted ANYTHING
on this AMOE newsgroup. Nothing, no FA, nothing. DIDN't know it existed
until AFTER my eBay auction was cancelled. Go through the archive and
see for yourself.
Bottom line - You got busted. Fairly or
otherwise. Spitting and stomping about
it does you absolutely NO good. It increases
the negative image of you on this and likely
the other newsgroups.
That leaves me with the most plausible reason, someone from the radio
groups got a bug up his / her arse because of the FA post, and because
they played god and thought the auction was getting a higher price then
they deserved. Period.
It was a rotten thing to do, but you're right, this was a learnign
experience. I don't regret ranting and raving, it broguth out a good
discussion, and reinforced what I already knew about these newsgroups.
I really don't care about a reputation on newsgroups, trust me....From
some of the crap I've seen people post, and what is TOLERATED, I'm not
I re-posted the item on eBay and it went in less then a day using Buy It
Now. So muc for my reputation and marketing skills.
Thanks for your input.
Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back
to joking and being sarcastic, which is my
job. I don't care for this touchy feely stuff.
Stop cross posting.
Stop ranting.
Buy my album.
Silver Donuts For Your Ears.
Now with hidden CW messages