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Old March 21st 05, 02:42 AM
Ad Hoc Guy
Posts: n/a

Dr.Artaud, Thanks for the insight, It confirms what I always suspected about
those military rejects working at the US borders ( because they wont hire
you unless you been in the service ).
They wear a freakin gun (* .45-Glucks,38,.357 and 9mm Beretta's) both US
imig and Customs do.
You go to Canada and those guys take time to say " HI , Welcome to Canada "
versus the US welcome of " Wo are YOU..Where do you come from and what is
the purpose of your visit !!!bluntly speaking ). Then they ask you if you
have a Police record...The last time I crossed the border at Champlain NY I
was detained for 3 hours because when the woman agent asked me if I had a
Police record I answered " YES, Synchronicity"......They have NO ****ing
sense of Humor those Lunatics. I tried to tell her it was a joke.."
Synchronicity " ..? You know the POLICE ? ha ha ha....................Ha ha
ha was right. The emptied my two bags, I missed my bus and ended up sleeping
in a flea bag motel until the next morning.
Now I know not to make jokes with Brainless killing machines( rejects from

" Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. "
"§ Dr. Artaud §" wrote in message
"Ad Hoc Guy" wrote in

Right before 911, I had bought a new Savage Stevens single shot .22
rifle, a model designed similar to the original model of the early 1900s
(late 1800s?). Anyway, the rifle had a head spacing problem, and the
would split and powder would be ejected towards my face, and an unusually
load report was hear when this happened.

I contacted Savage, they said to return the rifle to them for repair,
I did. Problem is that it was sent to Canada for repair. 911 occurred, and
it was the last I saw of the rifle. Savage acknowledged that heightened
border security flummoxed the shipment of the rifle, I guess customs got
hold of it, and Savage willingly replaced the rifle with no problems.

Though I can understand that 911 was a horrible time, I always wondered
many other items disappeared in shipment during those times and continue
disappear even now.

And the international situation is becoming farcical in terms of who is
allowed to own what, nation to nation. Of course Canada and England
permitted the ownership of unblocked scanners, and kudos for them for it.
But it is my understanding that at least Canada doesn't allow digital
scanners, perhaps someone on this group can set the record straight for me
if they can, with the irony being that the U.S. permits it.

I listen everyday to the police scanner, still largely analog in my area,
and I can see that even though there are occasional problems with someone
using a scanner to further illicit activity, the number of occasions when
someone provides tips because they were listening to the scanner and have
some insight into a particular crime or know the location of someone being
chased by the police, easily offsets, I believe, the illicit use.

I asked the Mayor of a borough near Pittsburgh about scanners. He was a
lifetime cop in the same borough, and he felt that the contribution that
law abiding citizens (listening to scanners) make to police work is very

With the borders to Canada and Mexico largely unguarded, it's a farce to
pretend that the U.S. is actually doing anything about so called "Homeland
Security". Neurotically opening small packages (yet inspecting only 2% of
the train rail car size shipping containers coming into the U.S. West
from China) and confiscating single shot rifles and unblocked scanners is
probably not having any effect, save for the enrichment of those that
invariably come into the ownership of items that they didn't pay for.

Dr. Artaud

Speaking of Ebay and shipping, It is terrible the number of complaints
I get from customers regarding the way their shipment arrive at
destination in the USA. the envelopes are opened,the boxes ripped open
, the contents damaged or missing. US Customs really do a great job
on even small 6 X 6 bubble shipping envelopes. They are ****ing
Paranoid scumbags if you ask me. I receive shipments from the states
that are literally intact yet inspected by Canada customs agents.
Years ago I use to sent clothing and food items in Russia to friends
we knew. Even they received those packages intact and they lived in a
communist block country.
So I dont think that Ebay are the only ones that think they are GOD.
The lunatics at the US border have a serious ego problem also if you
ask me.