No sales in the states is likely due to practically no demand rather
than any international trade laws or the state department. I bought
mine new from Jacky's a few years ago and there was no problem getting
it. DHL delivered it to my office in three or four days.
By the way, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a real pleasure having a
convenient option to listen to shortwave during the commute or on a
long road trip.
Nashville, Tennessee USA
On 20 Mar 2005 11:18:13 -0800, "STONECREED"
Thanks Monte...I knew that guy who told me it received cell phone
frequencies was a nutcase...the GREY aliens living under the DULCE
military Base in New Mexico probably told him that...LOL. Do you know
why they do not sell shortwave for american automobiles? Deal with the
state dept? Just curious.