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Old March 21st 05, 09:29 AM
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Default So, Dieter...Is THIS your PROOF...?!?!

Here's the "proof" of YOUR error, Dieter...

Please notice closely the "Audio Talk!- Radio Amateur Policy"


BTW...I am wondering WHERE in THIS post am I "badmouthing" you...?

This is the ONLY paragraph where I mention you:

"Of course then I will have to contend with Dieter Stussy daring me
to 'come out and argue the issues' over donations."

Where was the "badmouthing"...??? I addressed you by given name,
and you DO have a habit of arguing with people over "donations"...

So....Pony up an apology, or an excuse?

Steve, K4YZ


Good News! -- Jesus Christ Went To The Cross So You Can Go To He

Audio Talk!- Radio Amateur Policy

Posted Feb 6, 2005 11:37:42
Subject: Good News! -- Jesus Christ Went To The Cross So You Can Go To


Good News!

Do you know how simple it is to go to Heaven after this
life has ended?

The good news is that God came from Heaven to earth
in the person of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago and
died for our past, present and future sins(misdeeds).
He was born in the land of Israel supernaturally to a
virgin Jewish woman named Mary. He lived a sinless life
for thirty-three years and then sacrificed His sinless
blood and died on a cross to pay the death penalty for
our sins.

After Jesus died He rose from the dead three days later
as He said He would. The Holy Bible also tells us that
Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven and that all who accept
Him as their Lord and Saviour will live forever with Him
in Heaven where there is no more death, sorrow, sickness
and pain.

The Holy Bible very clearly explains how simple it is
to be saved and on your way to Heaven, "For if you
confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe
in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
WILL BE SAVED." (Romans 10:9)

You can be saved right now and on your way to Heaven if
you will open your heart to Jesus and pray the following

Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so that I can have
a home in Heaven when I die. I agree with You that I am a
sinner. I believe You love me and want to save me. I
believe that You bled and died on the cross to pay the
penalty for my sins. I believe that You rose from the dead.
Please forgive my sins and come into my heart and be my
Lord and Saviour. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for
forgiving me and saving me through Your merciful grace.

You are now a Christian if you said the prayer and allowed
God to save you. Welcome to the family of God.

Have a great day!
Internet Evangelist R.L. Grossi

1. || Free Online Bible
2. || Free Online Movies
3. || The Passion Of The
4. ||
5. || Beware Of Cults
6. || About Hell
7. || Is Jesus God?

Posted Feb 7, 2005 03:35:10
Subject: Good News! -- Jesus Christ Went To The Cross So You Can Go


Good_News_For_You_All([at] wrote:
| Good News!
| Do you know how simple it is to go to Heaven after this
| life has ended?

Yet another unsolicited rendering of religious fervor...Just what
the world needs...Yet another "evangelist" to "save" us from someone
else's religion.

I am in the wrong business.

Instead of saving lives, I will save souls...Put up an internet
"crusade", then evenutally an HF broadcast station from which to
solicit tons of donations from sick, dependent and scared people who
think if they don't send me $10 right now they are going straight to

Eventually I can get a real, live satellite program of my own and
really rake in the big bucks. Then I can allow myself to be "found
out" having the same sex that every other heterosexual male in the
world enjoys, take a huge golden parachute severance pay from my
now-mega-million "congregation" and retire to some South Pacific island
of my own.

Of course then I will have to contend with Dieter Stussy daring me
to 'come out and argue the issues' over donations.

I was going to pursue a career in quasi-professional electronics
engineering by hijacking others proprietary work, but they told me some
idiot in California already tried that schtick...Now they look out for
guys like that! My luck...a day late and a dollar short. Wonder who
the idiot was...?!?!

Steve in Winchester, TN