copyright infringement
Well, I'll bet you're sorry you posted that little nugget, aren't you?
I routinely (every year or so) post a message on the boards offering free
copies of the manuals I have accumulated over the years.
I have always had employers that have NO idea what their copier useage is, nor
do they care. I copy them up at work, send them out for free, (at some cost to
me, but I can afford it within reason) and tell the recipient that anything
they care to send back is fine with me.
I do it because I have found that mainly, here on the net, folks are more than
willing to help out whenever they can. I think if you need a specific manual,
you could post a request on the boards and you'll get what you need.
I could care less about copyright laws and what some folks have tried to make a
cottage industry out of.
Mark S.