Well I could have saved you a lot of analysis.
Here you will find opinions. Only a few take the time to quote a recognized
Or even know who the recognized authorities are.
An opinion is a belief stronger than impression and less strong than
positive knowledge.
Translated - people quote some fuzzy recollections, what a friend thinks,
what grandpa said, and frequently make things up.
Even books are frequently wrong or presumptive.
Your real answer should have been from recognized authorities and their
aren't any here.
Bottom line -- Caveat Lector
wrote in message
I would like to thank those who responded to my question regarding
radio origins in the US. To the people calling me lazy for not doing
my own research, you may be interested to know this paper was written
in two parts. One was discussing the topic of the question. The other
was analyzing the validity of human resources in groups like this one
(Google) and other resources such as Allexperts.com on the internet. I
don't blame the people calling me an imbecile and lazy, when all I
needed to do was a Google search. Please understand part of my
research was evaluating your responses. Thank you very much for your
help, and I apologize for misleading you in any way. The information
from those who answered was certainly used and greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
Sincerely, Benji Mallicoat