A specific vendor I cant help you with then (I am in Australia)
I would think that many large phone accessory distributors could sell
you one. Otherwise look at some more professional antenna manufacturers.
They often have yagis available in the phone frequency range. Take care
with finding the right connector and keep the coax loss low.
It might also be cheaper to get a simple mobile gain antenna and mount
it high. Get it clear of ground clutter and dont be afraid to move it
around for the strongest signal (before bolting it in place)
You'll need to know the operating frequency of your phone. If it is a
multi band thing you'll have to find the freq of your nearest node. This
will also determine the coax loss/cost as well. I would suggest that if
you are running 10 metres or so to use LMR400. It isnt the lowest loss
cable around but it is still easy to terminate and seems to have the
best cost/loss numbers. There are a number of sites around that allow
you to calculate cable loss at specific frequencies. Of course it also
depends on whether it is available where you are.
To give you an idea a 10m run of coax at 900MHz with LMR400 is about
1.3dB loss. Using RG213 the loss is about twice that and the cable cost
is higher! RG58 has a whopping 5-6dB loss. I find it strange that mobile
phone antennas have such horrible cable.
Hope this helps
Cheers Bob
Mark wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 06:39:27 +1100, Bob Bob