I don't understand the desire to reduce the carrier in AM. I've always
wanted the fattest carrier possible (most power) consistent with 100%
In the old days, CBers would jack up the carrier level (by reducing value of
the screen resistor on the final tube, for example), but of course the
modulator power remained the same, and therefore the percent modulation
wound up somewhere around 75%. On the other end, the receiver AGC,
responding to the carrier strength, would lower the receiver gain and result
in sometimes unreadable audio.
Perhaps that is the problem with the Siltronix.
Dube K4DWW
"kc8pcl" wrote in message
Hi All,
I have a siltronix 1011D that I can not turn down the carrier on
AM, In SSB the radio works fine. Can anyone help me in trouble shooting
this problem ? The carrier control has very little efect on the carrier
level. I replaced the carrier insertion control potentiometer, But that
did not help at all.
Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.