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Old March 22nd 05, 05:42 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (Sir_Oblivion)
Was thinking as I checked my email today

how great this group used to be.

Hehehe,,I bet you were. No cloned postings/email from Keri the funny
finnish teacher, Yrac, Oxendine, or any of the other troublemakers of
whom you were used to colluding.

Daily there would be technical articles posted

and I can't tell you how much I learned from

this group.

There still are, but you're still on the outside looking in and as
always, because of your inability to find what you seek,
you deny its existence.

Questions regarding repairs/modifications

were politely and accurately responded to.

If you were honest, you'd get a ton of advice to your posted questions
in email, but when you post with a toss-away addy in hopes someone will
email you just in order to get their email origins for nefarious
motives, you reap what you sew. Quit crying and moaning and act like a
man instead of a little girl.

Many folks from the group even managed to

have get-togethers sometimes traveling

hundreds of miles.

Still going on. You just ain't clued in.
Anyone can email me for news of the closest,,,umm,,picnic in your area.

Guess that was the old of six

perhaps seven years ago,

For you, at least. Those were the days before
you were forced-educated and made to learn their are consequences for
your actions. Not liking to face responsibility, you were driven
underground, your hammie status remains that of lid.

it's pretty sad how

it's become.

No, it's fantastic. You realized your impotence, yet the fun continues
with cb, and you can't do a thing about it.