March 23rd 05, 05:51 PM
From: (I=A0AmnotGeorgeBush)
From: (John=A0L.=A0Wilkerson=A0Jr.)
"Jeff Mayner" wrote in news:0OCdnU4emdXZN6LfRVn-
20 years ago? 1985?
Ah, yes.. that's what I said.
Ah, so you did. Why did you wait so long to decide to inform us that
when you were posting as "Legal Radio", you were really AC6MG? Do some
of the things you said in your posts make you ashamed of your call?
Aww,,never mind, John. Your disdain for cber's is there for all to see,
preserved in google archives for posterity. You are an extra class
hammie,,,, you shouldn't be hanging in a cb group if you have such
personal issues with cber's.