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Old March 24th 05, 12:40 AM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

Perhaps they know more than you do.

Such as from URL:

The R-7000 remains a favorite of collectors, however. Produced in small
numbers for only three years, it is one of the scarcest TransOceanics. Only
75,000 in total were produced, as compared to several hundred thousand of
the tube models. Moreover, as the last of its line, the R-7000 has an appeal
similar to the first TransOceanic, the 7G605 Clipper, for anyone wishing to
fill out a TransOceanic collection. Most importantly, it's an excellent
portable multi-band receiver, with features and performance that reflect
Zenith's three decades of TransOceanic development

Original price: $379.95 from 1979-1981

Besides what do you care how folks spend their money ?

I doubt, therefore I might be !

wrote in message
collectors with more money than brains. if you are going to bid top
dollar, at least make sure you get the original box and all the
contents, not just the radio. I don't know how such stupid people
survive in our society ? 425&rd=1