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Old March 24th 05, 05:57 AM
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Default So whats the problem?

We have skilled DX operators using state of the art equipment belting out CW
at 40 wpm or better. Add a little atmospheric noise, some QSB and QRN joining
in over a great distance and that 599 signal we are always reporting is more
like a 339 in most places. Then add to that the megacycle cops and the CQer's
and other assorted vermin who feel we won't adequately appreciate our contact
without thier assistance to overcome. It's amazing that anybody can hear
anything. And how many of us can really copy 40 WPM? As I get older, I see
more people are more concerned not with what they may be able to get but by
what they can keep others from getting. It would be interesting to me to know
how many of those trying so hard to wreck a frequency have already had a good
contact with the entity. Any thoughts on this rambling subject?