K4YZ wrote:
Quotes From Toddie's (N9OGL) On-going Net Adventures
The device which I had built is in short, a modified Tesla Coil
which a
few extras. The coil input is 220 to 440V which is converted up by
coils to 1.4 to 1.6Mv of electricity. instead of disbusting to the
ground, the coil output is surrounded by metal plates which is
on the outside by liquid oxygen. The plates are attached to cables
where the electricity id feed into a LARGE capacitor/battery which
contains metal plates which are sitting in a special solution. The
electricity is then feed off and converted down to what ever power
output is needed.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
A cryogenically cooled capacitor! With OXYGEN, which is, of
course, an OXIDIZER!
So....Your cryo plant fails, the oxygen rapidly heats back to
ambient temperature, the capacitor discharges, and KA-BOOM!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Go ahead, Todd! Build it! I just don't want to be within 500
miles of it!
Thanks, Todd....And here I thought this day was gonna be wet an
dreary! Thanks for the LAUGHS, putz!
Still rolling in the aisles from this one!
Steve, K4YZ