Thank you to Cecil, Reg, Mark, Asimov and Richard.
I have read what you said and done more reading about Cap Hats. The
Cap Hat doesn't improve the inductor, it basically replaces it, at
least in part, which removes the loss of the inductor. I
misunderstood that somehow.
What I will focus on, then, is to create some form of capacity hat for
each appropriate band together with an adjustable vertical length for
tuning to the appropriate frequency.
Mark, You may have a point about the dipole being better, especially
for portable operation. I just want to experiment with the aluminum
poles I have. I may take your advice and use them to create a
portable tower in the long-run. But first I think I will try out the
Thanks to all,
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:56:34 -0500, Buck wrote:
I have aluminum poles of three diameters, 1.5, 1, and .5 inches. I
have enough of the first two to create a pole of about 15 feet each
and about 8 to 9 feet with the 1/5 inch poles. The poles are no more
than 4 feet long each, but they are able to tuck inside each other, at
least for the same diameter.
What I want to do is to make up a 'kit' with these that I can take to
the field to setup whatever antenna I want to use at the time. For
example, I might set it up as a 20 meter vertical in one
configuration, but in the evening, I might reconfigure it to 75 meters
or 15, or 30 or whatever I desire.
One consideration is to create a high-q coil for it. I am thinking of
using 1/4 inch copper tubing to make a ten to twelve inch diameter
coil so I can match it to the lower bands. I have been reading that
base loaded coils have to be matched to the antenna, but center loaded
verticals are more closely matched to 50 ohms. from what I have been
reading, the center loaded coil requires more turns and a top loaded
coil even more.
A capacity hat is also a viable option.
I am wondering how much I am helping or hurting myself with the larger
coil or if I would be better off with a smaller coil. One thought is
to connect x number of poles, then the coil, then another set of poles
or a whip to make the final adjustment for the match or to match the
antenna by tapping the coil.
I am open to all suggestions, but I am interested in knowing the best
location for the coil and the best size for it.
Thank you
73 for now