Mark, You may have a point about the dipole being better, especially
for portable operation. I just want to experiment with the aluminum
poles I have. I may take your advice and use them to create a
portable tower in the long-run. But first I think I will try out the
You could probably rig it up to do either, if the vertical
is stout enough to support a dipole/s. I have a couple of
drive on masts that I use with the fence rail masting.
Two of those makes 20 ft, and a good support for dipoles,
or other antennas. For industrial use, I have a tower and
beam I can drag around...I've drug it to the last four field
days...Wonder if I'm gonna make it five..?? It's a lot of
work for a two day deal....:/ I'm almost tempted to take a
field day vacation for a year...Have to see...MK