Ten Tec Omni-D w/PS - $200 - reduced!
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October 2nd 03, 01:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Ten Tec Omni-D w/PS - $200 - reduced!
Forgot to mention - if you want to email me, you can't just
hit reply. You need to remove 'NOSPAM' from my email
Sorry, but that danged SWEN virus at 106k a whack has
just killed my ability to receive email. So now I have to be
more careful - it only takes 2 megs to shutdown a Hotmail
account - that's only about 18 Swen attachments!!
"GS" wrote in message news:...
Ten Tec Omni-D w/ Power Supply and both
original manuals. See it he
Note: will need to ship in TWO boxes via UPS.
Last price reduction before I split the pair.
If no takers, the power supply alone will be on Ebay
next week if that is of interest to anyone.
Thanks for looking!
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