N9OGL wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
Jim wrote:
It's his homebrew repeater.
Now that a scary thought, a piece of equipment that is transmitting
the ham bands that has been built to CB radio standards by
Powered by a massive electrolytic capacitor that's cooled by
liquid oxygen!
Steve, K4YZ
Well, there's where your wrong steve, the capacitor isn't cooled at
all. It the chamber where the 1.4Mv of electricity is sent from it
output point to the metal plates which collects the electrity, it is
sent to the hybrid capacitor. The liquid oxygen flows through pipes
like in your car between the plate chamber and the outer skin. Liquid
Oxygen is used to keep the plate chamber cool because liquid oxygen is
near absolute zero.
Todd N9OGL
Todd, I understand that the voices in your head tell you that if you
transmit in the past on your repeater that it will receive in the future.
If you want to be everyone's hero, here's a hint for an invention.
Invent a motor/engine big enough to propel a motor vehicle at 60 mph and
have that motor/engine run purely on stray bpl signals!