Thread: Loading Coil Q
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Old March 24th 05, 09:42 PM
Posts: n/a

" bravely wrote to "All" (24 Mar 05 09:41:39)
--- on the heady topic of " Loading Coil Q"

nm From:
nm Xref: aeinews

nm For industrial use, I have a tower and
nm beam I can drag around...I've drug it to the last four field
nm days...Wonder if I'm gonna make it five..?? It's a lot of
nm work for a two day deal....:/ I'm almost tempted to take a
nm field day vacation for a year...Have to see...MK

Lately I've seen TV media trucks with a type of rather wide pole of
what seems to consist of a large coiled up ribbon. When they get to a
location they unfurl the tube and it raises the microwave antenna.
They seem to be made out of plastic or carbon, not sure. The one I saw
went up about 30 feet. It seems very lightweight in any case. Anyone
here know what it is?


.... "Not a morning person" doesn't even begin to cover it.