best 6 meter??
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March 25th 05, 02:00 PM
Dennis Kaylor
Posts: n/a
best 6 meter??
tru this site
he has the best price on loops that i have seen
but if you want the best antenna you need a yagi
good luck
Have decided to pull out the IC736 and put it back into service and start
rebuilding the Ant farm
will hang a DX-CC and keep the Diamond dual bander. but am interested in
working skip or DX in 6m as it appears that a lot of people are having a lot of
fun doing it. actually, I would like to try to nail service with a town up
about 600 mi NW of me and doing it with 6m just seems like a hoot to me.
I have been looking at reviews on the PAR OA-50 and the KB6KQ 6M Loop
any comments on those.
or any other suggestions??
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