Peter Dougherty wrote:
I now DX in CW just as happily as in phone (though my TS-570's AGC
makes is painful at times), but I still can't hold a long QSO in that
mode. I just bought a Vibroplex iambic and with luck, my QSO speed
will start back to 17-20 WPM by year's end.
Congrats & welcome!
They say "practice makes perfect" and that probably applies more to CW
than pretty much anything else in life...
wasn't sure what to expect back. As I listen to the zoo that is FT5XO
on 40, I have to stop and wonder just what level some of these bozos
are at. I'm betting there are some extra-heavies in there (along with
I *know* there are "extra-heavies" as some of the calls involved are
well known to me.
Really, I was being facetious when I suggested the problems in the FT5
pile are due to poor general CW skills. They aren't. (for the most
part) The honest DXer whose CW isn't up to the FT5's speed is either
sitting out the CW side of the expedition (and sticking with SSB/RTTY)
or is doing as you are.
Few seem to understand the concept of split, some fists
I do have *one* criticism of the FT5's operating: I don't think they're
indicating that they're split often enough.
I just don't know that it's reasonable to expect people to just
naturally know that any rare expedition is likely to be working split.
That knowledge certainly comes with experience, but every DXer starts
without experience and can only acquire experience by working DX! "TU
FT5XO UP" might be a good idea.
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66