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Old March 25th 05, 09:21 PM
Jim - NN7K
Posts: n/a

Chas-- these are all the equivelant of a dipole bent in a circle for
more or less omni directional- and they perform about equallly.
One consideration is they often change SWR , in wet weather.,
but that is more a consideration for a mobile operator. M Squared
also makes a version , and see :

and, :

if you want to give home brewing one a try. These are NOT gain
antennas, but on even medieocre openings on six, can work quite
a few folks. For more effective antennas, a yagi is recommended.
Have fun on six. Been there, and done that for over 40 years.
Jim NN7K

Have decided to pull out the IC736 and put it back into service and start
rebuilding the Ant farm

will hang a DX-CC and keep the Diamond dual bander. but am interested in
working skip or DX in 6m as it appears that a lot of people are having a lot of
fun doing it. actually, I would like to try to nail service with a town up
about 600 mi NW of me and doing it with 6m just seems like a hoot to me.

I have been looking at reviews on the PAR OA-50 and the KB6KQ 6M Loop
any comments on those.

or any other suggestions??

