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Old March 26th 05, 12:54 AM
Jim - NN7K
Posts: n/a

'Corse, consider that there are certain constraints-- one being that
the antenna must be within a small distance from one end of the loop.
(for passive reflectors, at microwave, believe, they state 2-3 miles
(MAX)). and two, consider that at VHF, there is an effect called
"KNIFE EDGE REFRACTION" that tends to bend a signal over a hilltop
to a distant target on the other side of that ridge of hills!
But, for cell phones in a vehicle, those thru the glass antennas
on cars, with a whip on the outside , and what looks like a PAWN
BROKERS 3 ball symbol on the inside, do exactly what you describe
(or at least are susposed to)! as info, Jim NN7K

Hal Rosser wrote:
There was a question posted to another group about connecting to a distant
The post reminded me of another article (perhaps in QST) where someone who
lived behind a mountain used 2 rhombic antennas as a "passive repeater" on
uhf. He mounted both antennas at the summit of the mountain with one
pointed to the repeater and the other pointed into the valley where he
lived. As I recall, he was then able to communicate via the repeater.
This brings up other possibilities - like doing the same thing for
inside-outside of a metal bldg.