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Old October 4th 03, 06:31 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a
Default Please help id crystal holders

] wrote:

Thanks for reading this: I'd appreciate your
help ID'ing some crystal holders. I got these
in an auction lot, and I'd like to know what
rig they go to.

These are square cans, gold colored, about 1"
on a side and 2" high. Each has four pins.
They're all marked "Motorola", and they have
both the crystal and the operating frequency
marked on the them.

I have both "receive" and "transmit" holders; the
receive frequency is crystal freq * 5 - 12MHz, and
the transmit frequency is crystal freq * 24.
They're mostly set up for two meters, with some in the
VHF-High band.

Thanks for your time.

73, Bill W1AC

(Reply address has been altered in an obvious way)

They sound like the old crystal ovens for the Motorola "Twin V" tube
radios made in the '50s or '60s. If there are some tiny screws along the
edge, near the pins you can open them to change the crystals. A lot of
old radios were re-crystaled, and the ovens we not re-labeled.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida