Albert wrote:
Is "Linx" the name you are looking for?
Available at Digikey.
I've used these with good results.
TXM-433-LC $6.9
RXM-433-LC-S $13.79
Thanks, Steve
Thanks Phil,
I looked, and they are big, bulky and top of the line. I was hoping
for smaller and much cheaper low data rate modules tho.
I seem to remember the ones I saw before...they had simple saw ceramic
resonators and ran at 433 mhz and promissed 300 feet minimum range. It
was a single chip with a few components and was an AM transmitter. The
receiver was simarilly small and simple.
Got any more suggestions?
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:54:39 -0600, Phil wrote:
This site may be of interest: