"John Smith" wrote in message
"Freebanding" is quite common these days.
However, from my observations, you are much more likely to find a ham on
having fun and rabble-rousing with the truckers and "country folk" than a
trucker on the 10 meter band.
Be it as it is... truckers probably well outnumber hams in the US... and
CERTAINLY provide a much more valuable service.
Yes they do provide a valuable service, however, that does not give them the
right to disobey the law - be it the FCC's laws or even speed laws. What you
seem to be implying is that their service gives them carte blanch to do as
they please.
Maybe Hams do go on CB bands, so what! As long as it is with Type accepted
equipment, meaning a "legal" CB set, there is nothing wrong with that
picture. IF they are using HAM gear to talk out of Ham bands, then it too is
illegal. To go into the ham bands with out a license is also illegal.
There's no other way to cut it - you either operate within the law or
contrary to it. IF contrary, then you have no claim in your defense, as they
do not accept the "ignorance" excuse. The law is the law until someone
decides to change it.
With all the disobedience in this country, no wonder it is going to hell in
a hand basket.