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Old March 27th 05, 11:47 PM
Richard Fry
Posts: n/a
Default Walter Maxwell's Missing Posts

Walter Maxwell wrote:

On 3-14 or 3-15 I started a thread concerning a new url for my web page at
. After the original post I added two more. Then a few days ago
started to add another post, but the thread had disappeared.

Can anyone tell me how a thread disappears? Can it be deleted? By just

Walt Maxwell, W2DU

Walter, your posts still show on my PC, but that may be the result of
caching. Here they are again, anyway (below). /RF

+ + + +


Subject: New URL for W2DU Web Page plus Quadrifilar Helix in Reflections 2

The new URL for my web page is My new email address is

Please use my new web page URL when accessing it. My page will soon
have new material added, but for now it has only selected chapters
from Reflections 2, which include the R&D report of my RCA research on
the quadrifilar helix antenna flying on all TIROS-N NOAA
polar-orbiting weather spacecraft. The research included antenna
pattern and impedance measurements I made on more than a thousand
different electrical and physical configurations of the antenna in the
late 1970's that produced the one used on the TIROS-N spacecraft. A
picture of the test model used in the measurements appears in my R&D

Walt Maxwell, W2DU


Sorry to report that as of Sunday Mar 6, several of my reference pages
are no longer found on my web page. I am investigating as to the
reason for their disappearance. It's especially disturbing that the
pages referring to the quadrifilar helix antenna research are among
the missing. I will get the missing files back on the web page as soon
as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience to those who are looking for the QHA data.


As of 3-13-05 my web page is up an running again. There has been a
modification to make it more friendly, and with some new added
material. During the next few weeks I will be placing even more
information on the page that I hope will be entertaining, and it will
also include historical material concerning early space exploration.

My new email address is there for those of you who have questions.


Walt Maxwell, W2DU