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Old March 28th 05, 01:08 AM
Rob Stampfli
Posts: n/a

In article et,
Joseph Fenn wrote:

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005, Joe S. wrote:

"Buck" wrote in message

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 15:42:04 -1000, Joseph Fenn

am I the only one left who still uses the AZDEN pcs3000 for base
station use on VHF (2meters)????

I have a friend who is using a 2000 as a base right now. He can't
turn off the PS without losing the memory. He hasn't had much luck
finding the battery so he can replace it nor can he find a service or
users manual.

I have an old PCS3000 -- at least I think that's the model number.

In June 2003 we sold our house and moved into an apartment. Then, in Jan
2005 we moved from NE TN to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and are building a
house. As a result, all my gear is in storage except for a FT-857D in my
truck -- so -- I don't recall the Azden model number.

But -- I do recall replacing the battery. I just unsoldered the dead NiCad
and soldered in one of like voltage. Sort of tight space to work in but
that's all it took.

The PCS3000 did'nt have any Nicad inside it. It had a tiny
2 pin plug that you powered via your 12v dc supply which in turn
kept any of the freqcys you put in its 8 chnls in memory.
so we must be talkin about another AZDEN

According to my manual (and the empirical evidence, although I
have never replaced it): "The content of memory stored by the
user is backed up by the nickel-cadmium battery..." It's listed
elsewhere as being a 4.8V battery, so it's probably four cells.
They must have used a good one, too, as mine still holds a
charge as long as it is used regularly.

The old PCS3000 is a quirky rig, but it sure has a sensitive
front end, even after all these years.
