Observation I've made listening to foreign news...
I'm hearing a lot of news with a certain spin that can only come from a
genuine dislike of America. It's subtle, of course, but you have
opinionists from Radio Netherlands for example, comparing George W. Bush,
Condoleeza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld to Hitler, Himmler, and Goebells.
They obviously cite our pre-emptive war in Iraq, and our war on terror as a
logical means to make these comparisons, yet...
They never mention or debate the justification that the insurgency (I hate
to use that word, because a true insurgency has real numbers behind it.
What these people lack in numbers, they make up for in sheer brutality, and
unrestrained terror.)
The way these news organizations display the situation is that everything
was just fine in Iraq, we went there, and since being there, there's been
nothing but an orgy of destruction.
There is progress being made, and we can debate the war 24/7 if it suits
someone, but the intellectual dishonesty and abusive rhetoric has the
potential to do a lot more damage to international goodwill between Europe
and the U.S. and might eventually be planting the seeds of an alliance
against us.
I'll use Europe giving the Chinese weapons and technology as an example...
Just don't think the TRUTH is being sought, is all. I reserve the right to
be wrong, but I don't know why our credit rating is so bad with the PEOPLE
of Europe. I can only think that would happen because of a propaganda