One clarification should be made: the 6 Khz & 2.4 Khz filters were
standard in the Paragon II; without the 2.4 filters the rig would not
GL from a long term Ten-Tec owner,
Charlie Hugg wrote:
If you have been looking for a very clean Ten Tec Paragon II station,
is a nice one. The station consists of the Paragon II transceiver
with the
AM and 2.4 SSB filters, the matching Ten Tec 962 Power Supply, and
the Ten
Tec 705 microphone. This equipment is in very fine shape and includes
original shipping boxes and the original manual for the Paragon II
and the
original factory brochure for the Paragon II.
The equipment is in very good cosmetic condition. There are a few
very small
scratches on the cabinets and trim rings, but nothing serious. The
equipment works great. SSB audio is fantastic on receive, and I get
audio reports on SSB transmissions. It appears to meet all factory
specifications. The transceiver operates on CW, SSB, AM, and FM. It
puts out
100 watts. The equipment has been in a smoke free environment. I
believe you will be disappointed in this gear. Digital pictures
upon request. Price is $1450 for the complete station plus shipping.
Thanks, Charlie Hugg