Thread: Heath Cantenna
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Old March 30th 05, 03:40 AM
Larry W4CSC
Posts: n/a

Paul and Linda Cooper wrote in

WTB Heath Cantenna, no oil.

Your post created a flashback into the 1960's for me.

We built a Cantenna and had no transformer oil to cool it, so went down to
the local Eckerd's Drug Store and gathered up 4 quarts of mineral oil off
the shelf. At the checkout, setting the 4 quarts of oil down for the
clerk, she asked, "Oh, is this on sale?"

"No, Ma'am, but he's got an awful problem.", I overheard myself saying of
my ham buddy standing next to me before I could stop it....(c;

She turned as red as I've ever seen a woman and checked us out quickly, I
suppose so we could get started fixing the problem....hee hee...

Sorry I don't have a Cantenna any more or I'd just give it to you....