Bu8bbles wrote:
"Mr. Obvious" wrote in message
Funny how the weak-minded resort to cursing and other junvenile
locker-room behavior when they're backed logically into a corner,
"Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate
circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer."
- Mark Twain, a Biography
"Profanity, used over and over to inappropriate audiences announces
the user as a dimwitted, even dull." Alouisious X Xavier, whereabouts
"Let us swear while we may, for in Heaven it will not be allowed."
- An entry in Mark Twain's notebook, 1898
"Dead?...Waddaya Mean, I'm Dead?" Seen on a backside of a
headstone in Victorville, CA.
I don't think Heaven is an option for Toiddie at this juncture.
Steve, K4YZ