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Old March 31st 05, 03:01 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:

More Humor From N9OGL and Company:



Roger/AB8MQ said...
####ing netKKKop k4yz needs a reacharound
from ####head Hi El, K8MN, again.

Nobody forced k4yz to read this blog, so
#### him.


Roger, judging by your numerous run-ins with law enforcement and
the court systems, I would have to say that "details" are not your
strength, and this is yet more evidence of that.

Had Toiddie not made the effort to take his "blog" and quote it
word-for-word on a USENET newsgroup, I wouldn't have known what was on
his "blog".

Toiddie's "information" bulletins, tainted by his "opinion", are
of little interest to anyone, least of all me. This extends to his

My only "interest" in Toiddie's activities comes from his
abuse-of-priviledge of his Amateur Radio license which could negatively
impact all Amateurs at some point in the future.

That he chooses to do so with his poor grammar, sandlot threats
and prolific profanity only further strengthen MY arguments about his
incompetence in genereal and his obvious lack of character to be a
Commission licensee.

That he has a social misfit and ner-do-well such as you coming to
his "defense" is just icing on the cake.

You must have hit a nerve with our local amateur radio bad boy, Steve.
I received the following this evening in my e-mail take from Roger,
anonymously. I love the way Wiseman refers to himself in the third


Status: U
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Server) with ESMTP id 1dgMMe2Fk3NZFpA0 for
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From: Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer

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Subject: k4yz should stop his libel

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Anonymous said...

Smelly Stevie better quit his public lies
if he doesn't want to hear from Roger's
lawyer. Roger has never been in trouble
with the law and has told ****head Stenger
to **** off when he listened to Hi El once
too often. Roger's lawyer talked to Stenger
and Roger was never bothered again.

Stevie needs to shave his pubes and wash
with black soap to get rid of his stink.

Roger has indeed been "in trouble" with the law. Roger has also had
repeat visits from his local chief of police. Roger may receive one of
those visits again.

Roger has had repeated run-ins with the FCC as well. Roger's been taped
QRMing other stations on 20m. A local dropped a dime on him. His
retesting is legend.

Roger should take his lithium and try to avoid places where his
sociopathic behavior will get him in additional trouble. If his lawyer
has any questions, have him give me a buzz. We'll start him off on a
Google Search and then print him up some copies of swell e-mails. If
Roger needs some time to come up with retainer money before contacting
his lawyer, I can be patient.

Roger talks big. Roger doesn't act.

Roger--the unWiseman.

Dave K8MN