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Old March 31st 05, 06:53 AM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:
I'm looking for some good antenna reference books.

What would be your sugessions?

I'm a somewhat intelligent person, and looking for something good.

not afraid of equations, but would prefer to start with something
absorbable to start with. Does such literature exist?

- Mike KB3EIA -

There is no simple response to your question Mike because the ham radio
book market is flooded with antenna tomes and we all have different
needs, experiences, expectations and preferances when it comes to books
on technical topics.

While it's dry and a bit of a trudge take a look at the chapters on
antennas in your ARRL handbook for openers. From there the Antenna Book
gets into more detail. For my own purposes ON4UN's masterpiece on
low-band antennas is a gotta-have. Which you might not give a hoot
about. And so forth. If you haven't already done so surf: gation&words=

and take yer pick.
