sound card
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April 1st 05, 12:17 AM
Marco S Hyman
Posts: n/a
(Doug McLaren) writes:
In article ,
Marco S Hyman wrote:
| software. I scrounged a sound card out of another machine and found
| it to be a undocumented OEM version of the SBLive! for Gateway computers.
My SBLive will record from line-in, or the microphone. You control
which one via software.
So far I've found info on about 11 different cards that all call
themselves SBLive! None of the info describes the custom OEM version
made for Gateway, the one that has different jacks on the back.
(I do it on Linux, so I'm not sure how exactly you'd change it. But
the odds are good that it can record.)
Yep, probably just a simple matter of programming. But since the card
is undocumented it makes the programming choices a bit harder. I suppose
I could spend the next several months toggling toggling bits at random
in hope that I stumble on the right combination. Or I can buy anyother
audio card.
Got any suggestions on a good card for ham use?
// marc (kc7jl)
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